What is Cupping?


Cupping therapy is a form of traditional medicine that originated in China and West Asia. People have practiced this method for thousands of years. Other names for cupping therapy include cupping, cup therapy and suction cup therapy.

Cupping is an alternative therapy that involves suctioning the skin and underlying fascia with either glass, plastic, or silicone cups.

Cupping Procedure

What are the Benefits of Cupping?

Cupping uses suction to increase blood flow to specific areas of your body. The increase in circulation helps to decrease pain and muscle tension. In some cases, it can help people manage chronic health conditions. Cupping may ease symptoms of:

  • Arthritis
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Knee pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Muscle spasms
  • Postural discomfort

It has been shown to help improve blood flow, boost immune function, remove toxins, and reduce pain.

What Cupping Methods are Offered at Tri Physical Therapy?

Dry: a suction-only method. This approach involves using a suction device to remove air from the cups. The vacuum force pulls your skin up into the cup.

Running: involves moving suctioned cups around the body. This is like dry cupping. But before beginning, lotion or oil will be applied to your skin. Once the cups are placed, they’ll gently be moved in different directions over the affected area of your body.

Flash: involves quick, repeated suction and release of cups on an area of the body.

Dynamic: The patient performs light mobility exercises while the cups are in place.

What Should I Expect After Cupping?

The suction force from cupping dilates tiny blood vessels called capillaries under your skin. Afterword’s, you may have red, round cupping therapy marks that should fade in a few days. Although these marks will look like bruises, they’re not true bruises that injure muscle fibers.

Does Cupping Hurt?

Cupping shouldn’t cause pain, though you may experience some skin tightness during the procedure. After cupping therapy, you may feel some temporary bruising or soreness, but you shouldn’t have severe discomfort.

Who Performs Cupping Therapy?

Our Physical Therapists and Massage Therapists can offer cupping as part of your treatment if it is indicated for your particular condition. Ask your therapist if you have any questions about cupping and if it would be beneficial for your needs.

Does Cupping Remove Toxins?

Cupping may remove toxins by stimulating the immune response, both locally and systemically.

It may also eliminate uric acid, a natural waste product from the digestion of certain foods. Uric acid buildup can lead to high levels of acidity in the blood and urine.

Cupping may also have a positive effect on the lymphatic system, which is partially responsible for eliminating your body’s waste.

When the flow of lymph is interrupted, it can cause fluid buildup and prevent the body from properly eliminating toxins. Lymphatic drainage massage is one solution to this issue. Similarly, cupping may help increase the flow of lymph and prevent fluid buildup.

Your medical needs and your preferences will help determine which method would be best used.

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Cupping procedure
* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.